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Yoga Guide For All About Us

Yoga guide for all is a leading portal where you will get all the information about yoga. We also bring to you online yoga videos that offer sequences, tips, and tutorials for beginners as well as advanced yogis. This will help improve your practice. You can also read the latest yoga news on this website.

If you are planning to start practicing yoga, then it is sure that you will have many doubts in your mind regarding yoga and its practice. Like, will I be able to perform all the asanas? Does my body need to be flexible to do the asanas? Do I have to join a yoga center/ studio or can I start practicing at home? Do I have to perform a headstand, even if I have to do it, will I be able to do it? Can I get injured by doing a headstand? How will I find a good yoga teacher? What type of clothes I need to wear while performing yoga, and what all things I need for yoga? Can I wear shoes or socks while performing yoga? And so much more.

In fact, you may have unending doubts about yoga. With this portal, we aim to clear all your doubt associated with yoga and make a way for you to practice yoga safely. This site provides a complete guide to yoga where you can find the best tips,  guidelines, advice, and recommendations you need to start a successful yoga practice. Yoga guide for all also contains a vast collection of everything from basic to advanced poses, seated and standing poses, twists, challenge poses, bandha  techniques, and more.

Now, we will discuss a few things about yoga, basic yoga asanas and give some practical tips to make your yoga practice easier and make it a pleasant and worthwhile experience.

Yoga is both spiritual and physical. It includes breathing techniques, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures. Yoga helps improve health and happiness as well as general wellness by relieving stress, supporting good health habits, and improving mental or emotional health, sleep, and balance. It helps in relieving low-back and neck pain and menopause symptoms.

Other benefits of yoga include

  • Helps people to effectively manage anxiety or depressive symptoms
  • Helps people to give up smoking
  • Helps in weight loss
  • Helps improve your immunity
  • Improves flexibility and muscle strength
  • Improves breathing, posture, and self-control
  • Eases arthritis symptoms
  • Promotes better self-care
  • Keeps your heart healthy

Yoga Asanas

Asanas are yoga poses or yoga postures. They are performed to improve flexibility, strength, as well as balance. It is  necessary to focus on the breath during asanas. This will help relieve your stress and anxiety. The poses are not intended to simply be physical exercises instead used holistically as a mind-body practice to improve physical, mental, and spiritual health.There are numerous yoga poses that can be included in your daily practice. Here, we will discuss a few yoga poses and their benefits. You will find more information about various asanas on this website.

Padahastasana – Hand to Foot Pose

This pose revitalizes the nervous system, helps make the spine supple, and stretches all the muscles of the back. Other benefits you can enjoy by performing these asanas are

  • Provides the hamstrings the much-needed stretch
  • Stimulates digestion, improves the functions of various digestive organs
  • Treats the problem of carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Eliminates stress
  • Speeds up metabolism
  • You will get well functioning spleen and liver
  • Effective for nasal and throat problems
  • Helps your stay healthy and young

Surya Namaskar- Sun Salutation

Sun salutation helps in better functioning of the body and mental faculties. The following are some of the benefits of Surya Namaskar:

  • Keeps you away from diseases
  • Daily practice promotes balance in the body
  • Improves overall body strength, builds stamina, and develops flexibility
  • Helps boost the energy levels
  • Helps you lose weight and beneficial for skin and hair

Sirsasana-Head Stand

The pose is called the king of all asanas as it involves balance on the head or crown. This advanced yoga asana should be only attempted under the guidance of a yoga instructor. It is very popular as it offers many health benefits. It accelerates blood circulation and ensures that the brain gets enough well-oxygenated blood.

Other benefits of Sirsasana

Doing this asana helps:

  • Calms your mind
  • Reduces stress and depression
  • Activates the pituitary and pineal glands
  • Stimulates the lymphatic system
  • Strengthens the upper body, spine, and core
  • Increases your lung capacity
  • Stimulate and strengthens abdominal organs
  • Boosts digestion
  • Alleviates symptoms of menopause
  • Prevents headache
  • Improves your memory and concentration

Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand

This pose is called the queen of asanas. It influences the functioning of all body parts and is very helpful in maintaining mental and physical health.

Benefits of Sarvangasana

  • Improves your digestion
  • Enhances your lymphatic system
  • Reduces fatigue
  • Increases the range of motion and flexibility in the neck and shoulders and strengthens your legs and back muscles
  • Helps in relieving stress and anxiety
  • Increases blood flow and circulation

Paschimottanasana or the Sitting Forward Bend

This pose gives a complete stretch to your back muscles. A person who performs this asana gets a very flexible body.


Health Benefits of Paschimottanasana

  • Helps alleviate stress and mild depression
  • Reduces anxiety and fatigue
  • Burns unwanted fat and helps in weight loss
  • Helps improve digestion
  • Stimulates the liver, kidneys, ovaries, and uterus
  • Promotes good sleep
  • Loosen up the tight hips
  • Good for diabetic patients
  • Good for the female reproductive organs
  • Helps in making the back and the legs very flexible over a period of time

Yoga Tips

Here is some helpful advice to get you started.

  • You need to find an experienced, qualified yoga teacher.
  • Breathe in poses, and relax
  • Never push yourself to do anything that feels dangerous or wrong for you. You should be aware of contraindications relevant to your specific circumstances: for instance, some poses are not to be practiced during early pregnancy, menstruation, or with certain injuries.
  • Never compare yourself with others
  • You should not eat for one or two hours before a yoga practice, and drink only small amounts of water beforehand, and don’t drink during practice. It is always advisable to avoid alcohol, sugar, or caffeine before yoga
  • Always wear loose comfort clothes
  • Practice regularly
  • Always finish your practice with Shavasana‘

Yoga News

Do you want to know what is going on in the world of yogis? On this portal, you can find the newest trends in yoga and styles.

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